Upcoming events
ID: Hilary term card 2024. Drawings of flowers, ducks, capercaillies, and bottles, on dark blue background.
Events listed on term card:
Week 5: Wednesday - Port Meadow, Sunday - Christ Church Meadow + pub.
Week 6: Wednesday - Marston Meadow, Sunday - RSPB Otmoor.
Week 7: Thursday - Ou est le capercaillie? Saturday - Harcourt Arboretum.
Week 8: Wednesday - Bio Soc quiz social, Sunday - Port Meadow.
Join our Facebook group or follow us on Instagram for more details about events!
Our Events
WALKS twice a week. Midweek walks at Port Meadow or Marston Meadow. Weekend walks to RSPB Otmoor, Farmoor etc
TALKS happen every so often. We're contacting exciting speakers to deliver talks on a wide variety of ornithological topics.
OTHER EVENTS include ringing demonstrations, going behind-the-scenes at the Natural History Museum and pub trips!
Details posted on Facebook and Instagram nearer the time!
Recent events
The infamous Michaelmas Marston trip...
Behind the scenes at OUNMH!
Please note that Oxford Ornithological Student Society accepts no liability regarding personal injury or damage or loss of possessions during these activities.